Funny how they compare baby's size to pieces of fruit! Anyways, right now baby weighs about 18 grams and is 7.2cm long. Which is about double what he/she was at 7 weeks! Growing fast!
The blood work went ok today. I think I was a little dehydrated yesterday. It still took them several tries to find a vein and the blood stopped running twice while they were drawing it. Oops. I guess my body isn't very cooperative with the doctors today. :)
Funny how they DO compare babies to fruit.....wait until they compare it to a TURKEY!
Funny Aunt Bette
Hello you veinless wonder! ha ha. I'm looking forward to the next update. I check it everyday. 11 more days till Laura comes home and then we'll all be together for Christmas! Can't wait!
Pretty soon you'll feel those little flutters!
Love you, take care
GREAT Auntie Janie
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