Monday, October 17, 2005


We made it through the 1st trimester! Wahoo! Officially 12 weeks now! Adam keeps telling people we have 8 more months...gee...I hope it's not quite that long! :)

The next Dr.'s Appt. is next week, Thursday, 10/24. It seems like we look forward to these appointments so much! It is so interesting hearing the baby and finding out where (s)he is in developmental stages. Although, I may not be too happy while there.... I think this is the time that I get poked with needles to get a gazillion vials of blood drawn. At least they only do that twice. (Ok, I know, I need to get used to being poked and prodded!)

Not much else is new though, baby seems to be content...lovin' this pregnancy thing so far!

Adam took me (us) to Cheesecake Factory for birthday dinner last night...mmm mmm good! I love their Madeira Chicken/Da Vinci Pasta! Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes--whether in the form of phone calls, cards, packages! You are too sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - you think is going fast? Wait....the last couple of weeks drag on forever (or so it seems)!

I am so happy and thankful that everything is going so well for you!

Hmmmm--- Adam seems to have some qualities like Uncle Art....what I mean is when I was in labor and they have you hooked up to monitors he would say "Oh look, there is another contraction and boy it looks like a big one." GEE!! No kidding - lucky he was watching the monitor or how WOULD I HAVE KNOWN THAT!

Anyway, enjoy this time and have fun......any belly popping yet?, pictures, and more pictures need to be taken of every stage as you go along!

Love to you all ~~

Aunt Bette