Today's doctor's appointment was such a fiasco. Here's the scoop-- I got there at 3:45, had a 4:00 appointment. Well, 4:30 rolls around (which is unusual because we've never really had to wait longer than about 5 minutes.) The nurse comes out and tells the jam-packed waiting room that both doctors were called to delivery. She said that one of them would be back in about 15 minutes. Well, that happens, so I waited some more. At 4:50, they call me back for the routine stuff. (Officially, I've gained 3 lbs.---13.5 weeks---not too bad!) The nurse does her thing and then Dr. Marcantel comes in to measure and listen to the heartbeat. It is so cool how your body works! I never knew that you could use a measuring tape to figure out how many weeks along you are and if the baby is growing according to schedule. Well, he couldn't find the heartbeat.
At all.
Even after several minutes.
So, he put the equipment away and said, "Let's go look." And off I was to the SECOND ultrasound. We go into the next room where he pulls up the monitor. Sure enough, the little stinker was in there, presumably fast asleep, and in just the position at the back so that the heartbeat wasn't projected. (The baby is twice the size as it was at 9 weeks! Wow!) After a nice strong heartbeat was detected (152 bpm), we all felt better and it was time to go get blood drawn...lots of it...
On to the next fiasco...
The nurse comes in to take a gazillion vials (ok, 5) of blood. She does the standard procedure: feels for the vein, wraps the thingy around the arm, I make a fist, she pokes me with a needle...NO VEIN... So, she takes it out and tries again... NO VEIN... ok, how about the other arm... NO VEIN... she goes out and gets another nurse... STILL, NO VEIN... they go out and get the doctor... YEP, YOU GUESSED IT... NO VEIN. They decided that I need to come back in the morning and they would possibly have better luck. Otherwise, they will send me to the big lab to have bigger needles do the job--yuck.
I finally left the office today at 5:55.
Anyways, it really wasn't too bad---actually, it was all kind of funny (except for the no heartbeat thing). At least my friend Keeley happened to have an appointment today at the same time so we got to hang out in the waiting room together and catch up.
Off to the doctor again tomorrow morning (hey, at least I get to sleep in a little!! :)
1 comment:
Oh Becky, Becky, Becky, my dear....I can't begin to tell you how many times I waited and waited and waited in the dr's office to hear....."oh Dr. So and So had a delivery", Dr. SO and So is over at the hospital checking a patient". Okay, I understand that...but must you sometimes remain in the tiny room with nothing to look at? Hey I did ACTUALLY count ALL the holes in the ceiling tile! What is that about????
THANK THE WONDERFUL FATHER ABOVE that everything is okay.....you don't have to make me get sick to my stomach about the no heartbeat thing! I have been there...
There were many times they would have a hard time finding Dave's heartbeat only to learn he liked "swimming" around or was "fast asleep". Apparently sugar seems to wake these babies quickly - a glass of orange juice and boy he was bouncing off walls....I guess that explains the Mountain Dew rushes to this day!
Although we make light of this I know Becky how incredibly scary that feeling is. I know what you may have been thinking,and that is scary.
About the blood thing....that is NO fun! Were you a little dehydrated and that's why they were having problems? Considering you were sitting so long maybe that was a possibility.
I wish you the best tomorrow. And I too was amazed at the tape measure thing; with all the amazing technologies available, a simple yellow tape measure found in a sewing notion department, is still the method preferred and seems to be accurate.
Thank you for sharing this experience with us...and please continue to share. We love hearing about every step you take just as much as we will enjoy knowing every step your baby makes as he/she grows each and every day!
GOD BLESS YOU ALL! We love you tons and bunches!
Aunt Bette, Uncle Art, Chris and Dave
PS - GO SOX - Taking Dave out of school to attend Sox rally downtown tomorrow! Gotta do it!
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