Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Time Flies

I guess in all of the hubbub that is our life, we didn't post Vivian's 2 year stuff.

She's still tall for her age, but not AS high of a percentage as at her 18 month appt.
35 inches, 80th percentile

Weight...she gained a lb. 26#, I think Adam said 25% percentile...

Doctor is pleased with her abilities. She is developing gross and fine motor skills well and is strong academically, as she can count to 5---and knows what that means. She knows all of her colors and more objects and animals than others in her age group. YES!

At home, we are enjoying every moment of her---she is well into her "twos" stage, but we think it is mostly terrific! She LOVES school buses, her swing and sandboxes...oh, and being nudester!