11 weeks....
Baby is about 2-2.5 inches long and weighs about 8 grams.
Baby's head is double the length as the rest of the body's length right now. The neck muscles are starting to strengthen. It is only a matter of a couple more weeks before boy/girl status can be determined!
Wow - you are moving up on the fruit pyramid - Wahoo! Now you know why your tummy was stretching to accomodate your little one!
It is pretty cool to think about how your baby is growing inside. I can't believe it is 11 weeks already...only 29 more to go!!!!
You go, girl!
Dear Baby,
Praise God for blessing our family with you. So many wonderful things have happened.
Family members have re-united.
Old hurts have been forgiven and forgotten.
Sorrows have been replaced with joy, hope, excitement, and anticipation.
Hardened hearts have been filled with love and peace.
We are so blessed! Until we meet, stay wrapped in God's loving arms and play with the angels.
From some of the many that love you so very much,
Grandpa Don,Grandma Rose,Aunt Julie,Unlce Ken, Aunt Laura, Aunt Olivia, Marc and Lizzy too...
Becky and Adam ~
I must tell you how excited Great Grandma Gorr was when I showed her your blog with the ultrasound. She was so amazed and excited! Even Chris and Dave were amazed when I showed them....and that's alot coming from the two most laid back guys I know!
It's great that you can share all this with us because it makes it feel like you guys are right here! Thank goodness for technology! I read your friend Meg's blog every now and then and was amazed at her 3-D ultrasound....how cool it that! I hope you guys get to have something like that too.
I rememeber when I had an video ultrasound with Dave like 3 weeks before he was born and that was cool! I actually just watched this for the first time in years!
I am so thankful for this miracle for you. You, Adam, and baby "Baum" are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Love from ALL of US!
Aunt Bette, Uncle Art, Christopher and David
So, the "lime" is in the "coconut"?
New Mom's who are currently wearing or who have worn the beautiful maternity clothes offered to women NOW, we need help...Maternity stores, brands, styles...Becky, please call with your sizes. Peggy and I know that you will need maternity clothes before February and we need help(we need to shop!).
We are planning to pamper Becky before Becky is putting "pampers" on Baby 24-7. We are trying to organize a date in February (pending permission from Becky's Doctor). Becky's Aunt Peggy will be hosting "The Pamper Party" at her home in Plano,TX. This is for Becky and all about Becky. Let Becky know if you would like to come....
Grandma Rose
glad to hear you are feeling better. aren't those books great, you know, the ones that tell you week by week the chaneges you and your baby are going through? they seem even more informative before you feel baby movements and start to look pregnant to toher people. they also keep dad to be well informed. it really is a miracle, how two cells come together and then a woman nurtures the baby inside her womb and then about 40 weeks later (or more or less), this new person comes out. i am in awe every time i witness a birth or put a woman on monitors. it truely is aresome!
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