Wednesday, April 19, 2006

To Induce or Not to Induce?

We had our 38 week checkup today and the doc is already talking about scheduling an induction if baby doesn't come next week. According to them, baby is already topping out close to 8lbs.... Thanks, Adam's genes. Geez.

I'm not sure how I feel about induction. My instincts say, "NO WAY!" I don't want to "schedule" baby's birthday. I think some things should be left in God's hands. I also REALLY want to have the natural birth. But, on the other hand, I also don't want a gazillion lb. baby that looks like a 3 month old. I know, I know, as long as baby is healthy....

On other fronts, I can't have a med free delivery as previously planned. Bummer. I'm not adjusting well to that right now, because I was totally psyched to have a completely natural delivery. I have to have an IV for 2 heart murmur. If I were to have to have an emergency C-section, I'd have to have the meds ahead of time. Also, I tested positive to Group B Strep so I have to have antibiotics for that as well. Hope they can find my veins. That's always the biggest drama.

Not much else---ultrasound looked is in the correct position (Yea!)
Still 1-2cm dilated but more than 75% effaced.
BP is 120/70
Baby's heart rate is steady and strong, but slowing down a little which indicates a larger sized baby. (Didn't know that one!)

Last day of work is on Friday---looking forward to some time w/o 170 kids so I can prepare mentally for 1 of our own.



In other news, Katie Holmes, Brooke Shields, Gweneth Paltrow, Gwen Stefani, Angelina Jolie and I are all due within 1 day of each other. Oh, but Katie and Brooke had their babies yesterday. Both girls.... "Suni" and "Something else really weird".

Taking thoughts....if the option comes up next Thursday, do we schedule an induction or not?


Anonymous said...

Correction: Tom Kat's baby is SURI!

Do what is the BEST for you and baby! If you can go natural - do it! It is a rewarding feeling...but don't jeopardize you or the baby (which I know you won't).

I will e-mail you separately and talk to you.


Anonymous said...

my vote is to wait! macrosomia (big baby) is a valid reason to induce...but my personal beliefs are (remember, personal beliefs here): if there is a medical indication, induce. however, there are many natural steps one can take to try and 'encourage' one's body to spontaneously go into labor (none of which worked on meg who made me very nervous not delivering until 42 weeks...) and since you are 'term' now and making cervical change, you could start 'encouraging your body now and just see what happens. call me and we'll chat. i really could go on and on about the topic. oh, i'd like to see some more recent pictures please :)

Unknown said...

You can wait and see how you feel on Thursday to decide, I think. But I WANT to say: wait it out! Big babies are the BEST!!

Anonymous said...


Woman deliver 8 and 9 pounders ALL the time........Thanks Peg for giving not only your personal belief but I am sure professional opinion as well!

Start walking, walking, walking.....!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences with all of us. I just have to let you all know - your comments made me misty eyed today....Valerie & Emilie may have been born 14 / 13 years ago, but this all makes it seem like yesterday!

Savor every minute of this!...Rub the baby belly often...and do what your heart tells you is right for you!

Kay Coe!

CarolSue said...

Didn't Gwenyth (sp??) have baby boy Moses a couple of weeks ago?

I concur with Peg... if medically necessary, induce, otherwise, if your mental health is okay with it, wait. Your body and your baby will do what is right for you in the long run, so unless it looks like something is going to be seriously askew for either you or baby, s/he'll make an appearance when s/he's good and ready! Go with your gut and do what you and Adam think is right. You can never second guess that decision.

If you need to talk - please call! We're thinking of you and Adam and baby often.

CarolSue said...

Sorry - I just had to share... first of all, I'm very easily distracted lately.

Secondly - after I commented earlier, I'm sitting at my desk thinking about the celebrities you mentioned and their babies. so then I start thinking about Tom Cruise, and what an ass he's been lately (personal opinion.)

***Sidenote - one of the guys we listen to on a morning show up here called their baby "Surly" this morning by mistake. Hilarious.

Anyway - so then I started thinking about Tom Cruise in general, if we'd see his new MI movie, and finally, about how there's pretty much nothin' better than the volleyball scene in Top Gun. MMMmmm. My point? I guess my pregnancy hormones are a little out of control. :)

Sorry, Beck. A little off the subject of "to induce or not to induce!"

Hope you're having a great day!

Anonymous said...

Not that I agree or disagree with Tom Cruise and his scientology or his beliefs about childbirth but personally I think because he is a celeb he has been misquoted and miscommunicated.

I have to admit when I had my last son I was SO TIRED of hearing the woman across the room from me SCREAMING because "it hurt". Even the nurses were sick of her.

Everyone is so concerned that children come into this world peacefully - what the heck does screaming sound like?


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that all is well and baby will be here soon! The advice that you got from everyone else is really good. I think you should wait and see how you feel and only do the induction if it is medically necessary. I agree with Meg, big babies are wonderul! (And truly there is not much difference between 8 and 10 lbs. Trust me, I know. It is still labor any way you slice it!) I kind of want baby to stay in there a little longer so he/she is not so big when I come to see you on Memorial Weekend. Take care and keep your feet up these last few days. Love ya!


ARC said...

You know what they say, the best way to naturally induce is to have sex. Go Adam! I also heard that messaging pressure points in your hands and feet may also do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Can't have SEX this close to delivery, silly ~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

go for the sex! however, make sure adam makes a deposit and becky o______'s too. it's wotha a try! sometimes it works very well!

Anonymous said...


I can't believe someone WOULD ACTUALLY WRITE THAT

Rebecca said...

Funny thing---our doctor said the same thing. Says that it works like Pitocin.

Of course, there's always lots of walking too.... and spicy foods.... castor oil...(yuck)...

Anonymous said...

All I know is that is so incredibyl sick...........I can't believe anyone would think OR say something like that..........

I would MUCH rather Walk, eat spicey food OR take caster oil. Here think of it this way......your baby is RIGHT there - is that not Gross to think about?

Anonymous said...

Ewwww,it's not a bank deposit...What happened to keeping things private.....

Unknown said...

Those poor "anonymous"es! Obviously they do not know Peg, or they wouldn't even blink an eyelash at this conversation. :)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the last anony comment...some things are private no matter how inside the joke is !

Anyway, Becky, I am glad you are feeling so good this close to delivery....may you continue to feel so good.

You know the old saying "You can't fool Mother Nature"! Let us know how Thursday goes. that is Grandpa Gorr's birthday so let's have some good news!