Sunday, April 30, 2006

According to the professionals...

My due date is officially here on Monday......

Since baby (and mom) is quite comfortable, we're headed off to Leu Gardens on Monday morning.... daddy has to work anyways and it is a good chance to get some walking in.....lots of it! (Besides that, it is FREE ADMISSION on Mondays, which rocks!) It is going to be a high of 83 degrees tomorrow....a delightful day for walking in the park!


Anonymous said...

WAHOO ~ Today is the BIG day - hoping baby Rosenbaum cooperates and comes soon. here is a thought - tell the baby you are officially sending him/her an eviction notice to leave quietly! (HA !!!)

Enjoy your day and be safe......Is it okay that you are still driving? BE CAREFUL!

Hope to hear the phone ring soon and say "BABY ROSENBAUM IS HERE" ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Hi my darlings,

Not much longer now. Becky, so glad you are enjoying your couple days off before the babe is here. How fun. I bet the gardens you will be seeing today are gorgeous.

Take care and know that all of us in MN are thinking about you.

Kisses, Mom and Dad