Friday, April 07, 2006

Less Than Happy

Well, another predicament...

Our principal is, well, less than happy that I am taking my full maternity leave (which includes summer and Aug/Sept. as well). Furthermore, the plan was to stay home until January, when 2nd semester starts and then go back either full or part time.

His response was, "I can't guarantee that I'll have a position for you. That's a chance you're going to have to take."

According to my contract, (since I'm tenured), I believe that I can take up to a year's leave of absence and be guaranteed a job at my school, and up to 2 years I would be guaranteed a job in the district (but not necessarily at my school). Apparantly, that is not true. But I think it is...

SO--now we have to we take our chances and I stay home, or do I go back in Aug.?

Gosh! I think we should move to Europe where they give moms 6 months paid maternity leave.


Anonymous said...

Not a fun predicament at all! I agree about moving to Europe....we as Americans treat our elderly like garbage and our tiniest of humans poorly in so many ways!

I can only say I feel for you - having to go to work with a new baby is such a hard decision and it sounds like your principal is not being a "pal" at all. And, it's not like you want to aggravate him and make things worse for yourself either.

Well, this is not the time to stress yourself out.... relax and enjoy your last few weeks peacefully.

We will keep you in thought and prayer through this all.

Love, Aunt "B"

CarolSue said...

Ugh. That's not fun to have to think about. I know for me, personally, I'd check all possible avenues to find out what the answer really is. Those first few months are time that you can't get back, and if your gut told you to stay home, then you should find a way to stay home. But I understand not wanting to ruffle feathers, too. How 'bout you just move on back and not have to worry about it at all. Hmm? Perfect :) Keep us posted what you find out. Love ya! cd

Unknown said...

I echo Carol's (and Bette's)sentiments... and if you can afford it, I think you should call her bluff and take the chance. Worst-case scenario, you get to spend SECOND semester with little Kicky McSquirmles too!

Of course, if you're unemployed, that might be in a VAN down by the RIVER.