Monday, April 24, 2006

39+ weeks!

Time has gone by way too quickly! We've enjoyed this pregnancy every step of the way and consider ourselves so lucky to have a healthy baby growing so well inside.

I'm really feeling great still--albeit my anxiety over having a LARGE baby. I've slept better these past couple of nights than I have for months. Swelling has gone down a little as well...although it isn't as bad as some, it can be annoying!

Today was my first official day off of work. It was bittersweet leaving on Friday, not knowing what is in store for me next year, but the R&R is wonderful! I slept in this morning, did some housework and ran some errands. Got a lot accomplished!

Next Dr's. appt. is on Thursday morning....we'll keep you all posted on any changing events!


Anonymous said...

Becky & Adam ~ Time has gone quickly for us all and it only gets quicker each day. I am glad you both have enjoyed each part of your pregnancy and feel blessed that you two shared each step of your journey with all of us. Life is such a grand blessing and an unexplainable feeling when you know you have created a new life.

Don't stress about having a larger baby ~ think of it this way.there is nothing you can do about it so why stress yourself !?!?! I know you both feel blessed to have a healthy baby and that takes over any anxiety of "big Baby" !

Sometimes its hard to believe that anyday now you two will be parents raising your own child...molding your own child, being a role model, teaching your own child. It is truly an amazing feeling.

When you look at your new baby you will realize things you thought were so important become trivial compared to the precious life you have created. It's like you realize what is important in life, things begin to fall into place and your perspective of who you are has been re-aligned. Sometimes it's a scary feeling and huge responsibility to know you are the ones to make this little person who they will become. No doubt this child will be truly loved from all angles, be treasured, and be a wonderful little being! You two are very well grounded and have been raised by fine people who have instilled values into each of you. THe amazing thing is you WILL instill those sames values into your child. And, you may say "I will never do what my mother/father/parents did" but will laugh someday when you thing to yourself, and you will, say "I just did what my mother/father/parents did to me". And is that a bad thing? Maybe or maybe not !

May God continue to bless you two on your journey, today, tomorrow, and always. Know we are all with you each step of the way even if it is through the amazing technology of internet, phones, or snail guys are never far from thought!

When that precious baby has made it's welcome, make sure, and I know you will do this, to give a kiss for each of us who long to be there but cannot.

Your baby is one lucky baby already - it has a lot of people who love him/her and we haven't even met!

God bless and enjoy your days to yourself!

Anonymous said...

Hi my darlings..

Ditto what Aunt Bette said. The whole family is there for you and will support you both in your latest, new adventure of having a family. "It takes a Village, right?" Never a dull moment at the Rosenbaum home......Not too worry about the size of the baby. Doctors aren't always right. You will be in good hands.

Keep us posted on the Thursday appointment and again can't wait to see our little angel.

Love you both,

Mom and Dad