Thursday, April 27, 2006


My doctor's appt. this morning went as well as expected. I met with Dr. Crider today (which I was glad to do to get a different opinion from Dr. Marcantel---although we like them both). At first, they were concerned that my blood pressure had spiked. Last time it was 120/70, today they measured 144/78----but then we took it again and it was only 122/70. Nothing bad!

Dr. Crider was very honest about his feelings on induction. He feels that there is no medical reason to induce next week, however he is concerned if we DON'T have the baby next week. So, he HIGHLY recommended going ahead and scheduling an induction for the beginning of the following week. This would allow me to go past my due date and give baby a chance to come naturally, while not getting into "medical issues" of a too big baby. He feels that my chances of having to have a C-section would increase dramatically if we let the baby get too big. If we waited until next week's appt. to schedule, I'd be WAY overdue and baby would be 10+lbs.

After listening to his reasons, I made up my mind to let him schedule an induction for the week of May8-12, but I let him pick the date. I still don't necessarily believe in the whole "playing God" thing of inducing, but then, I don't want to have to have a C-Section either. I think we have a good, middle-of-the-road compromise!

He did "separate" or "strip" the membranes when he did the exam today. It is a simple way to perhaps speed up the labor process a little. Basically, stripping the membranes can be described as separating the amniotic sac (bag of waters) from the cervix, thus releasing prostaglandins into the blood stream. It isn't painful, just lots of pressure. Sorry, might be too much info for some, but I find it interesting. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! Depends completely on if baby "feels like cooperating"!

People have asked about names.....boy's name is picked, girl's name is still on the table.

Have a sunny, Florida day!


Anonymous said...

I am VERY GLAD you got a second opinion, so to speak.

Don't worry about a C-Section ~ I had two emergency C-Sections and one natural delivery and quite honestly, I didn't mind the C-Section at all. Yes, it is surgery and allbut not a bad thing if you need it - sometimes some things are not an option.

Start doing lots of walking or bike riding, etc....they say the more active you are the more likely it will bring labor on.

Hang in there ~~~~ It's almost over!

Im thinking of a couple of girl's names --- what about Glinda or Elphaba? (Hey what can I say...I am a Wizard of Oz FAN !)

Good luck !!!!!

Unknown said...

I'll vote for Elphaba!! How cute is "Elfie"?!?

I would pay $5 to see you riding a bike now, Beck. :) :) Do they make belly-helmets?

Anonymous said...

I think belly helmets are called Hubcaps ! ! ! ! Large ones, at that! HA Ha HA...........

See, Elfie IS a cute name.....and who cares if she is a slgiht shade of green - oh wait, green is bad because of green bay - okay will have to go with Glinda....that's pink!