Adam has jury duty this week and most likely at least 3 days next week. He was the last juror picked for the civil rights case. So far, they haven't even gotten through one witness (they have at least 5 witnesses). See where Adam is spending his time (picture on the right--Orlando Courthouse).
SO--that means that I have to set up for my own classes and brief his substitute every morning. Yuck! At least he was lucky enough to get an old art teacher for a sub, so all might not be lost.
What bums me out though, is that unless the trial finishes on Tuesday, he won't be able to come to the doctors appointment. I'm not trying to be whiny, but I really wanted him there for this one! He is such a great supporter and I really want him to be able to share in the miracles along the way! What will be, will be.... Hopefully, the lawyers will get their butts in gear.
Otherwise, things are great! I feel really good! Enjoying life!
Sorry to hear about jury duty! You are not whiny about Adam not being there for the first official sounds.....I know first hand how important it is to be there together!
I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes according to your plan and hope Adam gets "released" soon!
Until, take care and know that there will BE MANY MORE DOCTOR Appts for Adam to go to !!!!!!!!
If your mail carrier doesn't know that your expecting, he or she will soon. I have a plan...How big is your mail box?
Family history for the name Brook
G.G Grandfather: Brooks Farver
G. Grandfather: Donald Brook
Grandpa: Don Brook
Sister: Olivia Brooke
Love, Grandma Rose
From the "office":
Have you checked out the Eddie Bauer Baby Swing?
How about the name Lily?
The ladies at Becmar
How about the name ANN!
Great Grandma Delores ANN
Becky ---
Lily?? Wouldn't that remind you of great grandma Lillian????
Not much to be said for that NAME!
What color are you going to paint the baby room? I think you should do it yellow or green since you don't know if it is a boy or girl.
Aunt Olivia :)
Becky ~
Do you know how cool this is for me as your FAVORITE aunt that you are having a baby?
I remember when I was a mere 15 years old when you were born! I remember that day just like yesterday. It was so cool for me to be an aunt first with Marc at age 14 and then with you at 15. It's like we grew up together!
Watching you grow up before my eyes was by far the neatest thing. To watch you grow from my little niece who loved to have make-up put on by Aunt Bette (the pretty BLUE eyeshadow, and lovely red nail polish, and yes, gorgeous lipstick too), as the little flowergirl at my wedding, to the teenager who was a typical teenager, to a college student out on her own making decisions affecting your own life, to watching you walk down the aisle as a woman!
You are truly my only blood niece, a part of me. This is such a wonderful event for you and Adam to experience and share but for me it is extra special. I have seen so many changes in you and your life and am proud to be your aunt. I know you both will be great parents, no doubts at all.
Sometimes I still think of you as 18 years old and then step back and say...whoa.....time is passing me by. I myself have a 23 year old so obviously you too have grown a year or two older! (Me, I have remained "timeless" (ha ha ha).
And even though miles separate us physically, nothing can change what we share as family. What we share as a family you too will share with your new baby as family. Traditions will continue, geneology is important, heritage is historical. Our family is coming full circle: Grandparents seeing grandchildren have children has got to be the most fulfilling experience for them, your mom being a grandma...the best she will be. She has longed for this day probably since the day you were born! (AS for me, no baby is callin me grandma! Uh Uh,,....not ever) You have the best mom, Becky....one who is giving, and loving. Love that is unconditional. I can step back from the family and make these statements because I have grown to appreciate my family. I learned to appreciate family, truly appreciate family once I had my own kids. It's like no other feeling in the WHOLE world! I have always hoped I could be half as a good parent as my parents were raising me. It has been an honor to have been blessed with great parents that I had. I had the best .... and I thank God everyday that my kids get to experience them as grandparents, just as lucky as you should feel. You can never ever replace grandparents or parents love. I have so realized that!
But enough novel writing for now because you know me....I could write forever!
I just wanted to share how special this is to me. I know this special to you and Adam but remember how many other people share in this blessed event with you.
Love always and always,...
Aunt Bette
Oh yea I just thought of something! If you find out is a girl and the room is green or yellow add polka dots! And then if it is a boy put stripes across the wall. Well I am going to have lots of ideas. It's ok if you don't use them i just think it is fun thinking of them!
Love ya both!
I like the name Lily. It's cute.
---Laura (from Crystal Lake)
To get out of jury duty, you should have said you were pregnant. LOL!! It would have been funny to see the first reaction.
--Laura (from Crystal Lake)
Becky ~~
Here is a tradition for boys in our family:
Christopher WILLIAM
David Michael WILLIAM
Get it????
I don't mind Lily. Adam loves Brooke....
If anything, we'd try to incorporate Ann, maybe in some form of it. Don't forget that it goes back much further than that...Anna Ganzer...
As for William, Marc wants to name his boy William---I'm not sure I want to take that!
WOW ~~~ You are so right - MY great grandma's name was ANNA GANCZAR........
Just remember....whatever you name this little one should be the NAME YOU AND ADAM want..........don't let relatives push you into something you are not comfortable with. And remember....this baby has to live with the name FOREVER....INITIALS AND ALL. Keep Initials in mind also. I know someone with the initials PEW!!!
Of course, we want to just have a healthy, happy baby---but we wouldn't mind having a boy first!
With the sheer amount of food Iconsume without gaining a pound, I can only hope that this baby has Adam's metabolism!
as for hearing the baby's heartbeat...i have thought of three options.
1. change your appointment to a date when you guys can be together. i know you are anxious to hear the heartbeat...but it also sounds like you would like to do it TOGETHER!
2. keep your appointment and do not listen to the heartbeat. explain to your provider that you and your husband want to hear it together and he cannot be here today, so you would like to hear it at your next appointment instead. that is a very viable option.
3. tape it. you know, on a casette tape so you can play it for adam when he gets home.
so many options! anywho, let us all know how that appointment goes!
sent with love from your very indecisive friend peg!
personally, i like the green and yellow room decoarting idea. more specifically, i like GREEN AND GOLD as room decorating ideas! oh, uh...it has nothing to do with the team colors of the Green Bay Packers (who lost today, by the way)!
Hey Beck,
Did you guys decide what to do yet about the appointment? Carol Trish and I were thinking about you this weekend.
The good news is, they will probably check the heartbeat at EVERY appointment from here on out, so there's an excellent chance Adam will still hear it soon. But I TOTALLY know you want to hear it together. Peg suggested telling them you don't want to hear it, but doesn't the doc NEED to check the heart to make sure everything's OK? Or, I guess they could use headphones. Well anyway. Can't wait for more updates!!
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