A foot! Does it look like Adam's narrow feet????
We had another ultrasound today...but didn't get any other good pictures of Baby R. I just love this little foot though! Somehow, the baby had his/her hands and feet curled around by his/her head (picture a baby folded in half). So, once again...not too good of facial shots. I can't believe a baby would actually be comfortable in that position, but baby slept soundly through the entire ultrasound. The U/S technician tried bouncing the baby around so that she could get a good spinal shot which was the whole reason why we had this ultrasound in the first place...we hope the ones she got are good enough...
Baby is certainly getting bigger--seems to take up the entire belly area now instead of just floating around. I haven't gained anymore weight though...in fact, I lost a few pounds since last visit. (Of course, that might have been due to the holiday binge eatingfest.)
Anyways, we DID find out if we'll be dressing our baby in blue or pink, so that was super exciting. It hit us like a ton of bricks tonight as we talked about the future with baby. Lots of fun--laughter, tears, joy!
The u/s picture is great. I love how you can see baby forming and I have to admit often times I can't tell what they are pointing out but this is definitely a foot. How great and special. I am glad you guys were able to find out, what you will be dressing it in. Thanks for sharing and glad everything is going alright. I can't believe how close May is!
Kathy V
What a perfect little foot! Is it a boy foot or a girl foot? Time will tell, but Grandma and Grandpa know for sure and couldn't be more thrilled. Thanks for the exciting news, kids........
Love ya,
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