Friday, January 06, 2006

23.5 week appt.

We went to see Dr. Marcantel yesterday for our monthly appointment and to get the test results and u/s results.

All of the bloodwork came back fine :)

He listed off all of the wonderful little organs (heart, spleen, kidneys, etc.)...everything looked good on the ultrasound.

I've gained 14 pounds, which is right on target for 23 weeks, but the baby is measuring big right now. Actually, yesterday I measured 1.5 cm above what I should be at. Good news is that it is all baby....bad news is that it is all baby. The doctor mentioned that the most recent u/s actually shows a due date of 4/27 instead of 5/2 (which, we know is ahead of schedule because we know the exact conception date). Either that, or Dr. Marcantel said we might have a bigger baby OR baby just went through a big growth spurt and everything will even out eventually.

He said we have a very active baby---he had trouble following the baby's heartbeat 'cuz he/she kept moving so much. Good thing it's active during the day and quiet at night so far.

The ultrasound tech did not good still shots of the spine (because of baby's position) or the face (baby preferred to suck his/her thumb the whole time) so Dr. Marcantel scheduled us for another ultrasound on Tues., Jan. 24 @ 3:00. (Adam was excited because it also gives us a second chance to find out the sex----he was scheming on how to get the Dr. to request another one so we didn't have to pay....)

In summation, all is good--blood pressure is low (98/54). Next appointment we'll go over the most recent ultrasound results and I'll have to drink the sugar stuff for the diabetes test. Yuck. Is it gross?


Unknown said...

Yeah, pretty gross. Unless you like flat, really sweet orange soda.

CarolSue said...

Nah- it's really not that bad at all. In the grand scheme of things, you'll really NOT what you'll remember from this whole experience!!

Unknown said...

I didn't think it was bad at all. It is flat, very sweet soda-ey, but it's only a couple ounces. Let's put it this way: I've done MUCH worse shots in my life, and for MUCH less noble purposes. :)

MC said...

A little gross, but you'll survive!

Nicole said...

I really didn't think it was bad, just like flat soda, real sweet. Just don't savor it, the quicker you finish the quicker the clock starts ticking on the blood draw. One more piece of advice. What ever they tell you for fasting time - extend it because otherwise your test could come up on the border and then you might have to do the 3 hour one.

Anonymous said...

I love all the details from the doctors appointments and ultrasound visits. This is such a miracle.....Keep Dad and I posted on the 1/23/06 appointment. Remember how I said that normally I would have guessed "girl" because that is predominately first on our side of the family, but because I had the "boy" dream, I guessed boy. Thought I would document this so I won't be wrong either way....HeeHee.

Love Mom