Meg, Joel and Big Sister Lucy Gronau on the birth of Edward Cornelius Gronau March 7, 2006 9lbs. 5 oz.
And to.....
Allison and Terrance Tysall on the birth of Terrance Neil Tysall, Jr. (T.J.) March 9, 2006 8lbs. 0oz.
WOW ~~~ What precious little babies !
Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS to all the new parents and siblings! Isn't life beautiful!
Pretty soon you two will have your new little bundle of joy too! The question remains....which picture will you have????? Top or bottom (pink or blue!) I guess you have a 50/50 chance at this point compared to your friends! (hmmm....i guess you have a 50/50 chance anyway ! Duh !!!)
WOW ~~~ What precious little babies !
Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS to all the new parents and siblings! Isn't life beautiful!
Pretty soon you two will have your new little bundle of joy too! The question remains....which picture will you have????? Top or bottom (pink or blue!) I guess you have a 50/50 chance at this point compared to your friends! (hmmm....i guess you have a 50/50 chance anyway ! Duh !!!)
God bless you all and all the new littles one!
Aunt Bette
OOOOOPPPPPSSSSS ~ I just realized both new babies are BOYS ~~~~ SOOOOOOO Sorry - doofus me ! Forget my stupid comment!
Bette, it's not your fault, they pu my baby in a pink cap! (They were out of blue.) Fortunately he is comfortable with his masculinity. :) :) :)
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