At this stage, baby's tastebuds are developing, weighs about 3.75 lbs. and is over 16 inches long!
We've had a great time actually seeing the baby roll around, instead of just feeling him/her. I have been able to see little thumps for awhile, but those big rolls are AMAZING! Lovin' it!
Can't believe we're moving into week 32 already. It's crazy! Now, I just have to learn to deal with the fact that I may possibly never sleep again.... I LOVE SLEEPING!
Our little soccer player/kung fu master sends kicks of love out to all of you and is looking forward to meeting everyone!
Gosh Becky, you look so great!!! Where is that baby hiding? The next few weeks will go so fast, I'm sure. Do you have everything ready? And don't worry about the sleep thing. You won't even care when you look at that beautiful baby. And eventually you will sleep again. Trust me. I just slept a full night till almost 9 this morning. School aged kids are so great. They practically take care of themselves. Ha Ha! (Don't worry, I have been sleeping well for several years now!)
Miss you guys,
Julie and family
WOW ~ Awesome picture! You are looking really good! SLeep? YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP ALL NIGHT AGAIN! Trust me, Chris is 24 and I still keep an ear open until he is neatly tucked into bed for the evening (or should I say morning!). I can honestly say I was a very deep sleeper until kids came along. It's amazing how instint comes along and kicks in and WHAM! It's like automatically you learn to sleep with one ear tuned into listening to sounds! Is it worth it? Absolutely! Would I change anything to have gained more sleep over the years? No way! So enjoy your sleep now......maybe in 25 years you will sleep all night long.
Anyway, you look great - loved the pictures of the baby's room, thank you for sharing with me.
Hard to beleive you only have a short time left before your precious one is here! This is such a special time in both of your lives and will only continue to be special....it is truly amazing how something as small as baby can change a person. You will soon realize how much you can love something and always love unconditionally. THAT is so incredibly awesome in itself. You think you know love until that little baby looks at you for the very first time. Then you just say, Wow, this is love...this is a miracle....this is truly incredible! It is an undescribale feeling.
PS - We leave for AZ in two weeks...I am sure your little one could use a World Series outfit of some sort from the White Sox....oh yeah - we are going to see the Sox cream the Cubs on the 27th! GO SOX!
Love......GREAT Auntie Bette and Clan!
Hi Beck!
You are so very cute! Thanks for sending regular photos. Like Julie and Bette said: sleep schmeep! Sure, you'll have nights where you think you might perish from fatigue... it IS worth it. Eventually. Maybe. :) OK ,just kidding about that last part. :)
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