Tuesday, March 21, 2006

34 weeks...and counting...

We had our 34 week checkup today. Funny...this is the 3rd time Dr. Crider has had to leave to go deliver a baby during our appointment time. It's amazing how quickly they get back though. (Of course, these have all been uncomplicated deliveries). We did read a statistic though that more babies are born on Tuesday than any other day of the week.

Baby's heartbeat is good---in the 140's.
My blood pressure is 110/60 which is fine.
I actually lost 2 lbs. since the last appointment (which is really nothing to be worried about).
Must be all that walking at Animal Kingdom yesterday.

We go back on April 4 for a 36 week checkup, then every Tuesday until the due date. Group B Strep will be tested for at the next appointment.

Things are going well...I've had a few "crampy" feelings which technically are contractions---very normal at this stage. Baby is still breech but has a few more weeks to turn before we start having to worry about that. Many babies keep you guessing until the end...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're glad to hear that everything is going so well still. The weeks are really starting to fly by and you seem to be just sailing through this pregnancy. That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing it with us. We love to check your site everyday and really look forward to each post. Have you narrowed down any baby names yet?

Julie and family