We had the post office hold our mail while we were in MN. I managed to get through about half the stack so far.
We got the insurance/doctor bill notification. With dread, I open it up...YIKES! Babies cost a lot in those 48 hours! Oh, wait....phew...the insurance covered most of it....
Oh, wait! Here's a refund from Chase Mortgage Co. because of an overage in our escrow. Maybe that will cover the amount we will owe the hospital.... $0.04. Yep. That's right. 4 measly little cents. Why? Why send 4 MEASLY LITTLE CENTS. Gosh. Got my hopes up. Oh well.
Viv is adjusting back to FL life quite well. She is working on eating more at each meal and eating less often. She is down to a feeding before bed, one at night and one in the (very early) morning.
At 1 month, she is very alert, verbal and well adjusted. She seems to be very particular---likes things "just so". I have recently found that she enjoys the swing, even though we think it swings way too fast. She can roll over from her back to her side. She enjoys baths in her tub, but not so much if we give her one in a sink. She is NOT a nuk girl right now, but will take it when she is cuddling before bed sometimes.
WOW ~ I looked at these pictures and the second one on the bottom I said to myself "Whoa - if theat isn't Becky!". She looks so much like you!
How she has grown; and, isn't trly amazing how in one month all the new things that babies can do????? Record them all!
Sorry we couldn't make the trip to MN but we had quite a filled weekend of activities ourselves.
This weekend is Chris' graduation from DePaul so please remember to watch it on the live web sunday morning.
Keep the pictures and blogs coming about Viv - she certainly is a little cutie pie.
Beck, those photos are BEAUTIFUL. She is gorgeous! Although, what else would you expect?
I just showed little Viv to cousin Dave, and he smiled....she is very beautiful!
I just can't get over how it's you, Becky, with different color hair when you were little cutie like Viv!
Good job, Adam and Becky!
If possible,we would love for you to post a baby picture of yourself and a baby picture of Adam.
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