Not much new to report...Adam and I are just completely enveloped in trying to figure out parenthood. I guess you never REALLY figure it out, but at least get to a point where you feel you have a good handle on it. I think we've actually figured out a pattern...which is a little helpful.
6:30-8:30am---awake...occasionally dosing off
8:30-10:30---actively awake
10:30-1:30/2---nap...if we're lucky
2:00-5:00---fun time! awake, happy
5:00-8:00---Yikes! Don't make plans. Could be an angel, could be a fussbuster.
2:30-3:15am--awake and very hungry
Of course, just when we think we have her figured out, she throws us for a loop. But hey, it is a start! (Notice that Little Miss Newborn only takes one nap a day). Maybe that means she'll continue to sleep longer and longer through the night!
1 comment:
Becky, Its so weird--I really thought that babies slept all the time. Isn't that what newborns are supposed to do? NO. Well Ike did during the day and guess what--he is a night owl. Stays up as late as he can stall us and tells me he is still sleeping when I go in to get him for day care. Zoey on the other hand would take Zero naps per day when I brought her home. What the heck! May be my baby was broken or something I don't know. You just think they would need a little nap here or there, but no. Sometimes she would get a little cranky in the morning and the only thing I found that worked for me was to put her in the snuggli (front pack thingy). It would actually put her to sleep for a few minutes. It became a part of our daily routine until of course 8 short weeks later I had to go back to work. Now she is my early bird. She goes to bed fairly early, but always is early to rise and a fairly light sleeper at that. Hey I have also talked to the hospital about starting infant massage classes for new parents and sounds like it should be a go. I am very excited about that.
I am glad things are starting to come together for you. She is very precious and I can't wait to actually meet her!
Thanks for the pics!
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