Yep... we deposited the $0.04 check from the mortgage company.
But, that's not all! I decided to clean out our safe and gather our birth certificates together so that we are somewhat organized for the cruise. We haven't gotten around to getting passports yet but we'll have to for next year when they change Canadian law. Anyways, what do I find at the bottom of the safe???? $100!!! SCORE! Gotta love finding money that you forgot about!
Vivian updates: She smiled....officially...more than once. She proved that she can sleep 5-6 hours at night. She's done it since we were in MN, but we're not holding our breath that this pattern will continue...although we are wishfully thinking that it might. She has perfected the "fake, I want attention" cry. Pathetic. She is very active and alert. Only takes one nap each day for about 3 hours.
1 comment:
Love the picture of our kids together. It was so much fun having you three in MN, even though it was hectic. We miss Vivian so much already. Can't wait for the cruise so we can see her again (and you guys too of course) Sometimes you lose your popularity when you have kids!
Love, Julie and family
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