Sunday, May 21, 2006

What a weekend!

We had an eventful weekend here....

My first day alone with Viv was on Friday---it went ok...we're still getting used to things here. She had her 2 week checkup...Dr. Kayaleh said she looks great, weighs 9lbs. 80z. (yikes!), grew 2 inches and is in the 90th percentile for weight, height and head circumference. She's very well proportioned! I think she's a little fussier than she should be...perhaps excess gas or something, but doc said everything looked normal!

We had 8th grade awards night on Friday night at school. Viv and I went with Adam to that. He had to present some art awards.

Saturday was a long day for me. I don't know how single moms do it. Adam was at Busch Gardens ALL day with the 8th graders. It is an end of the year trip for them and Adam got blessed with chaperone duty. So, off her went at 6:30am and didn't get back until after 7:00. But, he had fun and we survived.


Sunday...well, we planned on going to church, but we couldn't quite get out the door on time. Sorry, God. We tried. Viv and I went to the annual church picnic this afternoon. Adam stayed behind to get the rest of his grading done. (Last week of school is this week!)

When I got home, Adam and I spent some time trying to figure out how to soothe a fussy baby. Don't get me wrong...she doesn't have colic, but just seems really unhappy when she's awake. She cries often and straightens out her body in frustration. Can't quite figure this out.


Anonymous said...

WOW ~ WHAT A VERY NICE PICTURE! THANK YOU FOR POSTING! The 3 generations is a cool picture! Now, someway you have to get grandma gorr so it can be 4 generations.....what a cool thing! And someday that will be a priceless picture. There is a picture of the 4 generations with grandma Lil when you were a little pooper!

Being a mother is a hard job and it never ends! I would never trade who I am for anything...all the sleepless nights and all that goes with it is truly worth the while! Ms. Viv is showing her personality to you - and do you think girls get easier as they get older? ASK any mother of a girl and she will tell you (HA!)

Gotta get used to sleepless nights for a little while. I SO remember rocking in the rocking chair, half asleep feeding a baby. No wonder I still love to rock ! ! !

Late to church ?? ? UH OH !!!! Don't tell me you are going to be parents who are LATE to everything and blame the baby!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!! You have to now start planning much more carefully when you want to go out. YOU CAN DO IT!

I will never ever forget how hard it was to work full time and get a baby ready for that is hard. Get up at 6 a.m. - get baby to day care by 7-7:30. Worek until 5, pick up baby at 5:45...MAKE DINNER, (yes, I said MAKE DINNER!), bath time for baby, get diaper bag ready for next with baby and WHAM! Before you know it was 8 p.m. - time for baby to go night night.....and soon me too! Then it started ALL OVER AGAIN! AND I HAD A HUSBAND WHO HELPED TOO!

Not I am not trying to be discouraging - trust me. It's all about reality and what a (and pardon the pun, dear Becky), wake up call is having a baby - it is a life changing time.

You ALL will survive and be great parents. No one believed Art and I were capable of raising a baby when we were 21 years old - HA HA HA - we DID IT.........So it is very doable.

I am glad to hear how well Viv is growing and gaining weight.

Keep having fun and good luck!

LOVE YA - Big MMWWWAAAHHHH (kiss) to Viv

Anonymous said...

Hi my darlings

What a very nice pix with your mom and baby Vivian. Your all look so happy. Speaking of generation pictures, maybe we can get one of those at the Baptism. If GiGi comes, it could also be a 4 generation. Wish Grandpa Sig could be there, too. Maybe at Christmas we can get 5 generations.

Julie and I ordered Arbonne this weekend and talked about our trip to Orlando. We can't wait to see all 3 of you on Friday.

Dad was fishing this weekend and caught walleye. Got home late last night so we will call within the next couple of days to see how you are doing and confirm our flight.

Adam, have fun the last week of school. Becky, hang in there and sleep when baby sleeps. Kiss Vivy for me.


Nicole said...


Hi, I have been following things and know the struggles with a newborn or a few. I know getting a lot of advice is hard too. Just do the best you can and you know my motto was and is always one day at a time (sometimes it is one minute at a time). Some days are blissfully wonderful and others not so - but on a grand scale it is awesome!

Here are a few of my tips and do what you want with them. With the days and nights thing. Wake her for her feedings if you need too during the day (every three hours or so). She really has no other way of learning day and night so you need to show her that we wake up during the day and eat and that night time is for sleeping. If she gets up and "fills" up enough through the day she will start to sleep in longer increments at night.(you will start to see at least a 5-6 hour stretch at night very soon) Sometimes it is hard to wake them because they simply won't wake up but change diaper or take off her clothes she will wake. I have been given this advice and it worked for both my children I have also given this advice to many friends and they have had success also. She needs you help to learn the difference between day and night. All babies learn it eventually but this may help speed it up.

Next - get some gas drops, I am telling you they will help. It is just saline drops essentially so no chemicals. You can give them before, in between or after a feeding. You have to expertiment to see what works for Viv. Sometimes when they already have gas it is to late because the gas bubbles are down at the bottom of their stomach and they can't get them out. Otherwise just try to burp her very frequently during feedings and sometimes it can take them a long time to burp.(it is a learned skill :) Try burping her in different positions that may help work the burps out better too.

Be thankful for the poops and burps it means that everything is working beautifully :) Those are the signs you have that things are going well.

You are doing a wonderful job and like I said just take it one day at a time and before you know it you will look back fondly of these times just like aunt bette.

Sorry I didn't mean to type a scroller here but these are just some tools in your aresnol to use if needed. It never hurts when you need to pull out all the stops.

Feel free to email if you need anything else, I am always happy to help a new mom. Support of family and friends is invaluable.

MC said...

God understands, Becky. Just do the best you can. And a good cry now and then doesn't hurt either. I cried a lot the first few weeks with my son. It really does get better quickly though. Does your clinic have a nurse call-in type line? If you have any contacts like that or even just calling the maternity center at your hospital, the nurses sometimes can give good ideas of things to try. Just keep asking questions to anyone and everyone until you find an answer that you're happy with. You're the mom and you get to be in charge.

Congrats on Vivian! (don't think I've said that yet) She is a beautiful baby and so lucky to belong to a very loving family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beck~
God isn't all about your actions and whether or not you are to church on time...He is about a relationship with you and Adam and Vivian! You are doing an awesome job! I am so impressed and don't know how I will ever do it someday. I will probably be calling you! Just wanted to send some encouragement! Love you all lots,
Cousin Laura