Here's a quick update while Vivi Voo is sleeping on daddy (her favorite place!).
We got home on Saturday afternoon--they debated keeping her longer because of jaundice, but then checked her again and her levels had dropped :). Friday and Saturday night were both rough---she was super fussy and rightfully so...so many peaceful months with mom and then BAM!--lights, sounds, environments like never before!
Sunday night was GREAT! She fed at 9:00pm, 12:30am and 4:45am...otherwise, she slept soundly all night...yea! Now, if we could only be so blessed as to have that happen again!
Feeding has been a challenge, to say the least. Our girl is such a little drama queen...quite feisty...I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHERE SHE GETS THOSE BEHAVIORS! :) If she doesn't get milk immediately, it is all over! She howls like a banshee and it is tough to calm her after that. She's learning though...
She's a great sleeper so far and makes the best facial expressions. She's very curious and seems to have good hand-eye coordination (Adam is happy because she tends to favor her right hand over left....whatever....left handed people are cool too, gosh!)
wahoo ~~~you two are officially parents and broken in so quickly! Welcome to the deprived sleep club!
Very happy Ms. Vivi (cute!) is home and doing well. Where does she get the stubborness from? Gee....is there any German in her at all ?!?!?! Maybe it's not stubborness but persistance. Yes, she is persistant! She already has developed her own personality...that didn't take too long!
Don't you both just love to sit and just watch her????? I always thought that was the best part of watching babies...their facial expressions ! ! !
I love baby-daddy pictures. My cutest pictures that I treasure the most are the ones with baby sleeping on daddy's chest, or in the crook of an arm. Treasure each moment because they are precious.
I have to agree with Adam on the hand thingy.....both boys are righty's even though Uncle Art is a lefty....geez, gotta always worry about who gets the end!
Question is this........is she a SOX fan yet? I don't even mind her as a twinkie but for God's sake Becky, no cubs fan for her --- please!
Keep up the good work - she certainly is a doll! (As you can see all I do is check this blog to get updated pictures of Ms. Vivi Voo (love that name too)))) ): ):
Becky and Adam,
I just can't get over how beautiful she is. Thanks for sharing pictures with us. God has truly blessed you! I wish I was able to meet her soon but I know it will be awhile. Just know you are all in our thoughts and prayers as you make your adjustment to parenthood.
It was so fun looking at all of the hospital pictures that you sent us. I almost feel like I was there now. It helps. We want so badly to hold and snuggle Vivian. She is an angel. Every time the kids see a picture of her they say how cute she is. We'll call soon. Hope everything is going well and you 3 are having good "bonding" time.
Love and Kisses,
Julie, Kreg, Audra, Kurtis and Olivia
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