Friday, May 12, 2006

The Birth Story

Ok, ok....found some time to write my story....

Tuesday, May 2, 8:00pm

Contractions are getting stronger and we're excitedly anticipating the arrival of Baby Girl Rosenbaum. At this point, I knew I was dilated to a 4, at least, and contractions were coming every 6-7 minutes. This continued on throughout the night, sometimes closer together. I didn't find that this was unmanageable at all--in fact, I was getting an awful lot done around the house (because sleep wasn't happening any time soon).

Wednesday, May 3, 4:00am

Wow! Contractions are getting closer together--4 minutes apart and lasting longer. I knew that I needed to get antibiotics, so it was about time to go to the hospital. SO--I took a shower, packed my bag, woke up Adam and told him to get ready. We still weren't in a big hurry, I know this whole labor thing could take forever. He showered, shaved, etc. and we were off. We stopped at the gas station and then headed to school to drop off Adam's lesson plans for the week. On to Celebration Hospital we went....


They checked me--yes, contractions were coming pretty strongly and they figured I was progressing well. Nope. 4 cm. Yikes. So, we got checked in. What was nice is that all my monitors were cordless and I didn't have to have them much, so I was free to move about the hospital. We walked....and walked.....and walked....enjoyed the gardens, checked the lunch menu, etc. Eventually I had to get an IV so I had to get to the room...and drag a pole around with me for the rest of the time. (yuck).

Morning, afternoon and night were quickly passing by. The length of time was certainly taking its toll on my tolerance level...exhaustion was setting in. I was focusing a lot more and concentrating on breathing that baby down. Around 9:00pm on Wed. night, contractions were very intense, but I wasn't dilating any further. My labor seemed to have stalled out at only 6cm dilation. We didn't have any progression... Truthfully, at this point, I was exhausted and couldn't stop shaking. I'm not sure where the shaking thing came from...

Around 11:30pm, they administered the dreaded epidural---I was still 6cm. Adam helped me make the decision that it be done, nausea or not, I was too exhausted to continue. (I had been awake for 42 hours, laboring for 27 at this point). The epidural hurt worse than anything I could have imagined and I absolutely hated losing feeling in the lower half of my body. Luckily though, I didn't throw up (although I was VERY dizzy).

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Once I was able to relax a little more and stop shaking, I progressed from a 6 to a 10 in 2.5 hours. I started pushing at 2:15am....pushed for a half hour, and out she came. All 8lbs. 13 oz. of her. I was extremely happy that I could feel her coming out---wasn't totally numb after all---and knew when and how to push. The doctor was surprised that she came out so quickly with the epi, but I wasn't. I knew what to do and did it. And she is beautiful. What a miracle and a joy.

All in all, it wasn't an ideal natural labor/delivery for me--I continued to be dizzy for a few days. I really feel that the hypnobirthing helped me stay focused for the first 27 hours, but pure exhaustion set in. I think I could have done it completely natural if labor had been shorter. It wasn't the pain/pressure at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's amazing what a body can do to prepare for a baby.....I still marvel at the whole birthing process from beginning to end.

About your feelings about the whole natural aspect of delivery. Don't be so hard and judgemental on yourself. I was able to experience both and yes it can be diheartening not to have a natural birth, but looking back you have to do what you have to do for everyone's safety and mental status. I can tell you this now because its over but when I was in labor with Dave wanting an another natural birth because he was my last. Because I was in labor with Chris only 4 hours (sorry, Becky), that when I was into 7 hours with Dave the doctor was beginning to worry why it was taking so long. After much discussion between Art and I (he wanting a natural birth, me wanting it over because I was scared because of baby before), I decided on the C-section. Luckily, my instints were correct, because had I delivered Dave he certainly would have not made it. The cord was wrapped twice around his neck and once around his body, thence, causing a slower birthing process. Let me tell you, you don't think all this ran thru my mind when you were laboring so long? I was scared to death for you.

If I had to have a section and had to have the spinal, it did give me comfort to be awake and still be "there". Be thankful you had the epi delivering little Ms. Butterball anyway! I didn't experience dizziness just incredible headache for a day, plus I couldn't hold Dave for x amount of hours because my head couldn't be raised. I hope you feel better soon!

You did a wonderful job considering all your pre-birth.....I am sure hypnobirthing helped you to remain focused and calm. Being a woman is an awesome rewarding experience....we are truly a wonderful group of people.

Looking at Vivian makes you realize how precious life itself is. You and Adam did a great job..I can't even imagine what you went few hours are wimpy compared to your journey!

I remember getting the phone call from your mom at 3:30 a.m. and immediately saying a thank you prayer that everyone was safe. A sense of relief and a heavy sigh of thank you, God.

And I can bet that even though you experienced what you did that you would do it again in a heartbeat!

PS - Cool part of being "wireless" Makes the time in the hospital much more enjoyable than just laying around in bed!

Give Ms. Vivian a HUGE MMWWAAAH (kiss) from Auntie Bette!