The pictures are getting scarier! This is ALL OF ME...30 weeks (or 32 weeks, depending on which due date you feel like using...). It feels like my body just exploded over night! (Although it really doesn't seem bad when covered with a shirt...) Baby is pushing up into my diaphragm, so it is quite hard to breathe right now. Otherwise, things are going well. Adam and I are getting more excited to meet this little one everyday! The movements are no longer little flutters, but bigger, whomping ones. Lots of fun! We are going back to the doctor on Tuesday and also tour the maternity ward on Tues. Oh, and we're so proud of ourselves to have figured out how to set up the pack'n'play. (You can admire our work if you can see your way around the monstrosity that is my belly!)
Hi Mama & Papa,
There is definately a baby in that tummy! I got super excited when I saw this picture. Have fun with Ron and Kay next week! We are all well here. Dan is in Calif. since Thursday playing LaCrosse. He will be back tomorrow morning and Laura also graced us with her presence this weekend and Last. Miss and love you. I don't know how I can stay away from Florida after that baby is born.
Love Great Auntie Jane
Yea for belly pictures~ I can't believe you're that far along! I could really freak you out and say that if you're like me... you only have 6 weeks left if you go at 36 weeks! :)
Ok Carol---that DID freak me out a little! :)
6 weeks...hmm....
Hopefully you will get to experience weeks 37, 38, 39 and 40 this time!
Believe me, kiddos, I'm experiencing Week 40 right now and it's not all it's cracked up to be. Love you guys, hope to have some news in the next weekish!
Love the Belly! You are definitely looking pregnant now! I love reading your blogs. I check every day. Brian and Jenni had their baby girl on Valentine's Day. Isabella Joan-7 lbs. What a sweetheart and such a little peanut! It got me even more excited to see your little one. Keep those blogs coming.
Love, Julie and family
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