Well, here's some pictures. My belly doesn't have that nice round shape---baby's head is on top which makes the top of my belly stick out further than the rest. Kinda looks funny! Also, it looks like I've gained about 100 lbs. in this picture, but it has only been 19 lbs...I swear! It's just not as cute as Meg's basketball belly :) (See her blog pictures---linked on the left!).
Oh, I don't think I shared before, but at the last ultrasound (end of Jan.), we got to see baby opening and closing his/her eyes. That was too cool!
Baby is doing fine---very active during regular intervals of the day. He/She weighs about 2.4 lbs. and is about 15.25 inches long!
thanks for the pictures! you look wonderful! the pictures make me feel closer to you, even though we are thousands (i think) of miles away!
you said baby is fine...how about you? how are you doing? any cravings or changing eating habits or urges? (ie: cleaning the house, organizing things)?
and how is adam doing?
I'm doing well too---not much has changed---still feel really good, not getting too slowed down yet. Our childbirth classes are a lot of fun and we met the nicest couples!
Adam is lovin' the idea of fatherhood. He has all the typical worries that daddies have, but is very excited and talks and sings to the baby every night.
He starts softball next Wed. which is always a good, social time!
Dear Ones,
Thanks for the pix. Peg is right, you do look fantastic, Becky!!!
WE ARE COMING TO VISIT!!! Booked all our flights with Julie & Kreg last weekend, (Soon, Memorial Weekend-to see that little darling, and Alaska) Will call you this weekend with details.
Can't wait to see you both and the nursery.
Back to work. Talk with you later.
Love, Mom and Dad, too
Thanks for the pictures Becky! It's great to see how you are progressing since we can't be there. I think you look great! I am coming Memorial Weekend with Mom and Dad to see you both and the new baby. Hope you are ready for visitors! I can't wait! I plan to take lots of cute pictures. You know me!
Love, Julie and family
Audra says hi and wishes she could come too. She will have to wait to see baby in Alaska.
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