Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Daycare started on Monday. Vivian loves it, we're having a much harder time....although it helps that she is so smiley everyday when we drop her off and pick her up.
She is so worn out from all the activity all day, that she is knocked out by 8:00/8:15 or so and is sleeping through the night again. This is in addition to TWO, yes, TWO naps that she takes at daycare everyday!
More pics....

Laughin' with mom....
Watching football with daddy....with me around, daddy is a lot calmer during the games! Grandma and Grandpa from Minnesota made sure I have a Vikings outfit to cheer on the best team! I'll have to get a little Twins outfit for next summer....I hope mom and dad take me to some games.

When grandma came to visit, she bought me this really fun balloon. Good thing mommy cut my fingernails because I love to grab on to it!

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Carrots, "The Office", and the Best Invention!
I've promised pictures, and pictures you will receive!
Vivian has been busy this past week. Today she tried carrots for the first time and seemed to like them! She has started waking up at night again for food, so we've introduced rice cereal and carrots to hopefully have a little more lasting power.
My mom was here visiting---had a great time and definitely some quality grandma time! I started back to work on Thursday---it went fine, the kids are great, I just missed Vivian terribly all day long. Vivian did a little trial run at daycare last week. She was only there for a couple of hours, but did great and Stephanie (the daycare provider) really enjoys her.
Adam and I bought Viv an early Christmas present....Meg and Joel fondly term it, "The Office", aka Evenflo Exersaucer. It is GREAT! Vivian can spin herself around and play with a gajillion toys. The best part for her is that she can sit up by herself. Apparantly, laying down is for babies!
Lastly, the best invention ever! Some of you know that Vivi HATES riding in the car. We're not sure if it is riding backwards, not being able to see out the windows or what, but we have a solution....sorta. I found a REMOTE CONTROL operated mirror that lights up and plays songs, the whole 9 yards. I can control it from a garage door-like remote in the front seat. This keeps her highly entertained for about a half hour, which makes trips to the mall and Target (and school) much more enjoyable!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Oh, What A Night!!!
As most of you know, Adam plays softball on Wed. nights....this weekwas no different...except that he had to go to the ER because he popped his shoulder out. No worries, it is back where it belongs. Unfortunately, it is also in a sling and out of commision for two weeks, at least. Kinda puts a damper on his parenting skills---no lifting! no diaper changing (which I'm sure he's sad about!) No bath-giving...etc...etc...
In Vivi-land, you'll be happy to know that she likes far she has managed to put a piece of prime rib from brunch in her mouth and on Wed. she grabbed my (sugar-free) jello and got a taste....little stinker!
New pictures will be posted this weekend!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
4 Month Checkup
14 lbs. 14 oz.-----75th percentile
Head is 42 cm---75th percentile
Length is 25 3/4 in.---90th percentile
Daddy's stats when he was 4 months:
13lbs. 7 oz.
26 inches
Developmentally she is right on track (if not a little ahead).
She can hold her bottle now if it is light enough.
She has found her toes and puts them into her mouth (Thanks, Peg, for teaching her this! :)
I gave her a little rice cereal today. The Drs. were on the fence about it but I thought it was rather successful. She gobbled down all of it with little problem (it was VERY soupy). I think I'll continue giving it to her once a day. I'll post pics of her first tastings soon.
I had a Dr's appointment today.
It went well, all things considering. Dr. Napolitano answered a lot of my questions...she is changing my medication from Zoloft to Cymbalta....since there is a withdrawal period I am doing what is called a crossover. I take less of one, more of the other in 7 day increments until I have completely switched meds. Cymbalta deals more with the anxiety, rather than focusing solely on the depression. I also have Ambien CR to help me sleep (even though Viv sleeps through the night, I don't!) She also ordered up another Thyroid test---she thinks it is a continuing cause of the depression.
Otherwise, she cleared me to start working again on Sept. 21, 3 days later than originally expected. I'm really in a hurry to go back....sheah...right.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Quick update...
Vivian is mastering the art of chubbiness. She is so cute with those thighs and cheeks!
She has recently found her toes--I'm sure it won't be too long before the toes find the mouth. She continues rolling and can stay propped up on her tummy for longer periods of time. Laughing has become a daily thing now, but she mostly laughs at daddy. (Who doesn't?!?!)
We will go to the doctor for her 4 month checkup and shots tomorrow morning. Maybe he'll recommend some rice cereal for the big eater!