Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Starting Another Chapter in Our Lives

So, 2009 came and went....we've enjoyed being "a family" again as we moved into our new house in Andover (thanks to Ron for all of his hard work!).

Adam started full time at Oak View Middle School (only a mile from the house) and is teaching 6th/7th grade Art. He's enjoying his year, although he is VERY busy!

I am part-time again teaching Social Studies at Oak View....7th grade. Enjoying my little spunksters---they really are an awesome group of kids this year!

Vivian is growing....growing....GROWING! She is quick to tell people that she is 3 and a HALF, not just 3
She is also eager to tell people that she is going to be a BIG SISTER!

Yep. That's right. End of August will bring a new little Rosenbaum into our clan. We're excited....and a little scared....shocked....but mostly excited!

So, there you have it. 2009!

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