Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Stats

We went back to the doctor yesterday for Viv's monthly ear infection medicine. Not cool. But, what can you do? I heard there is a new shot out there now to prevent ear infections, or at least make them less frequent/painful, but babies have to have the shot when they are only a few months old. Bummer. Next kid is gettin' that shot! Hopefully she grows out of these (like most kids do) and not end up like mommy...

Anyways, while we were there...

22.5 lbs.
31 inches long


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Vivian...nothing is worse than a baby having an ear infection. I remember when Dave was 9 mos. old with a double ear infection on Mother's day and the poor baby had a perforated ear's so sad. I hope the little pooper feels better soon.

Next kid???? WOW~ Already ! ???