Friday, February 09, 2007

Wow! Where Does Time Go?

I can't seem to find the time. For anything. Period.

I realize this as I go to read my friends' blogs and have to read 6 or 7 entries just to catch up. And then, I realize that I have written in not cool.

Here it is...the lowdown on the Rosenbaums...

Happy 9 month birthday Viv! Talk about time flying by!


weight: 21 lbs.

length: 29 in.

That puts her in the 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight and head circumference. Not bad, baby doll, not bad! (For those of you interested, she is 2 lbs. less than Adam was at her age and the same height). She had 2 shots--for some reason, the shots bothered her longer this time...guess the Dora band-aid doesn't work on 9 month olds... :(

She insists on sleeping on her tummy and is a WILD sleeper. More often than not, I go to get her only to find her completely turned around and squished into some imaginably uncomfortable position in the corner of her crib. She also likes to sleep sideways in her crib...only one problem...she doesn't fit that she kicks up her feet on the side--personal recliner, I guess.

Sleeping through the night is a huge problem--We just can't figure out how to get her to sleep through. She wakes up absolutely screaming for food. She eats 8-10 (!!!) ounces at least twice during the night...still. Doesn't seem to matter how much she eats (or what she eats) before bed. She MUST eat every 3 hours. What the heck?!?! If anyone has suggestions, PLEASE SHARE! Thankfully though, she goes right to sleep afterwards.

Crawling and teeth are not in the vocabulary here....she'd much rather stand and the teeth just don't want to come in. Sure, they bother her and every once in awhile we think we've got one...but nope. No dice. Along with the no teeth thing is the "I won't put anything in my mouth that is not my bottle, my spoon or my nuk." Don't little people put EVERYTHING in their mouths? Don't get me wrong, we're happy that she doesn't put toys and random discoveries of mysterious objects on the floor into her mouth, but come on...try a little cheerio or piece of pancake or somethin'! Weird kid... (but in the best possible way, of course)

All in all, she continues to amaze us every day. Meg said in her blog recently that she has come to accept, even enjoy and embrace motherhood. I'm not sure I'm there yet...but look forward to that time. It'll come... Babies are an incredible adjustment to people's lives...many, many good and wonderful things, but when you loved your independence and penchance for going out and having fun, it is hard to find yourself "trapped" at home worrying constantly about the well-being of someone else. For me, it is hard knowing that many of our friends here still have the freedoms that I often long to have back....but then, I see her or pick her up from daycare and she gives such great smiles and big, cuddle-bug hugs and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

In other, non-Vivian news, the house is officially going on the market this week. Good 'ol Clifford from Keller-Williams Realty has earned the job of selling our home. Lord, please let our home sell quickly so that we don't have to get up and make our bed perfectly every morning. Ugh. So bad at that. Anyways, when the house is on the mls site, we'll post the # so you can check it case any of you feel like moving to the much warmer state of Florida.

BTW-I have to do it one more time...IT IS 74 DEGREES HERE WITH A MILD BREEZE AND PLENTY OF SUNSHINE! (nevermind that we'll be in the frozen tundra next winter)

In closing, here's a recent picture of the little monster with the much bigger one...can't tell they are related, can you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Becky -- please read my "retraction" posted on my blog. ;) Cute photos! Except Viv STILL looks just like Becky.