Monday, January 15, 2007

Let's Play Catch!

Catch up, that is! Happy New Year. Even though we're halfway through January. Seems like it was just turning 2006. Not really sure where that year went.

Anyways, some quick updates on the Rosenbaum family:

1. Vivian is just a little ham. She LOVES, I repeat, LOVES people. Especially little kids. The smaller the better. Laughing and shrieking are a way of life for her now which is usually such a joy to hear---except that Adam and I can no longer have a conversation in the same room with her...she likes to join in with an enthusiastic "AAAHHHH!!!! BLLLAAAAHHH!!!! DDAAADDADADADA!" which then puts us into fits of hysterical laughter.

2. News flash! Vivian MAY have just cut her first tooth today...yep...pretty sure of it...

3. Let's see...she loved Christmas. Something about little ones at Christmastime just brings out the magic of the season. She experienced snow and cold for the first time but didn't seem to enjoy that too much. She looked at us like we were crazy everytime we got her dressed in her big fluffy snowsuit or winter coat.

4. We got to see lots of people in MN...Viv got to visit with her friends Lucy, Eddie, Josie, Eve and the new little one (who's home is currently Tricia's tummy). We had a great (albeit short) time visiting. I think we truly all became parents when I looked around the room and ALL of us were happily singing ring-around-the-rosie...over and over...and over.

5. January put mom and dad back in school and Viv back in daycare. It also brought on bouts of the stomach flu this week.

6. We're trying so hard to put our house up for sale. Not an easy feat with the 8 month old.

Anyways, that's about it! I'll post pictures soon!

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