This month has been swirling by--seems like just yesterday we were in MN for Christmas and now, only 40 days left of school! Yes! Oh, wait...that means that the 1st birthday of the lil' munchkin is fast approaching....1 YEAR! WOW!
Here's her basic update...22 lbs. almost 31 inches...10 months old....doesn't like "people" food, but that could be because she still has no teeth. That's not a bad thing though---the longer it takes for her teeth to come in, the healthier they (cross your fingers here) should be.
Ear infections are a constant problem with her. She's a trooper, but it is still painful. Pew.
Crawling doesn't seem to be her forte, but she seems to want to walk pretty bad. She is good at taking steps (with help, of course) and just got a good pair of Stage 2 Stride Rites...cruisers...
Random picture...

Bathtime funky hairdo.
Scott and Kathy and Little Gracie came to visit in January. I might have mentioned that we had a great time at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures....can't remember.... BUT, Gracie is an absolute doll--she does what I thought little babies were SUPPOSED to do, eat...sleep....poop....occasional gassy smile.... hmm.... wonder how our little kiddo missed the whole sleeping part.

Vivi and Gracie...
Let's see...oh! We're taking plenty of advantage of those free teacher passes to SeaWorld. We went as a family a few weekends ago and then we're going with some friends on Sunday. Vivster likes the penguins, puffins and seals the best. She loved watching the puffins swim around.

More later!