Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Merry Christmas to All...
We had Christmas in Florida with the Vivster before heading up north for a week. She is such a treat! We love this little kid! Anyways, mommy and daddy got her a new car seat and pjs while santa brought 2 books, 1 little learning puppy, a sing-along dvd (which she absolutely LOVES at daycare), and some game things for the Little Leap Thing that a little elf told santa she'd be getting for Christmas.
Grandma and Grandpa from Crystal Lake and Auntie Olivia sent her some nice things too! Thanks everyone!
As you can see by her outfit (or lack of one) in the pictures, it is still hot in FL. For those of you in the tundra, 80 degrees might sound like heaven right now, but for us...not so much. We're ready for a little brisk, clean, cool air! (Notice I did NOT say COLD air).
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Holy Cheeks!
Again, it has been awhile since I've posted. Not being able to post during planning or after school at work is not making it easy.
Thanksgiving was fun! We went to our friends Heather and Casey's house and enjoyed a scrumptous meal, complete with all the fixin's. Afterwards, we played Pirates of the Caribbean LIFE and other fun games....then watched movies. Vivian was a doll---she loves going over there as they have a golden retriever, Bogey, and two friendly cats, Mulligan and Bunker. The funniest thing is that Bogey is completely afraid of Vivian, especially when she lets out her newfound, ear-piercing shriek of joy.
Our volleyball team that we coach is undefeated. Keep your fingers crossed as we play our last regular season game on Thursday and then head into the playoffs. Go Eagles!
We had a Christmas gathering/game night this past Saturday at our house. While we thought it would be relatively low-key so Vivian could go to bed, it turned out that playing Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase got more wild than your average party would. Ah, well, Vivian slept on our comfy new comforter and peacefully slept through all the noise, laughter and banter.
As for Vivian, she turned 7 months old as of yesterday---yikes---time is really flying! She hates laying down when she is not supposed to be sleeping, preferring the sitting up position (or standing, if you are willing to hold her). She is starting to do the butt-scoot, but has no real interest in the whole crawling thing. The look on her face is, "Why crawl if you can walk instead?" Hmm...we'll see about that, little lady!
She is proficient at holding her own bottle if laying down and by herself. If you are holding her, it is hit or miss whether she'll hold it or be lazy! She drinks out of a sippy cup occasionally too. She also enjoys drinking out of mommy's water cup...especially if I have a straw and can give her some through that. I don't think she cares where stuff comes from, as long as she gets to be a part of it!
Babbling has got us in fits of laughter all the time. She sings to herself, especially in the car and at 3:30 in the morning when she should be sleeping. She seems to sing along when music is on and rocks back and forth. Adam thinks she may get his dancing abilities....oh boy....does she want that?!?!?!??! :) We are also convinced that she says "Hi", she has said it 5 times that we know of....but...could just be her working out all of those new consonant sounds like dadadadada. muhmuhmuhmuhmuhmuh.
That's our story. We're headed up to Blaine in a few weeks. Should be good times!
Here's a preview of "Cheeks and Her Christmas Pictures!"

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