I've updated some via email because I can no longer access blogger from my work internet at all. Dumb.
Anyways, here's the scoop:
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for our friends...Matt continues to improve slowly each day. He is still in trauma ICU, so we cannot see him, but hope he is out by Thanksgiving to a downgraded room so that we can visit. He had his last major surgery (for the time being) on his pelvic bone this week and wasn't breathing on his own so they had to keep him on the ventilator. That is what is keeping him in ICU longer. He has responded to his dad and stepmom so we're all optimistic that he didn't receive any brain damage/memory loss. They were finally able to close the 12 inch incision that was made to re-shift his organs/take out his spleen/stop internal bleeding and repair his lung. It was being hermetically kept open until the swelling of his organs went down.
For those of you reading who are in the dark, our friend Matt got in a head on collision car accident when he was going home from our home 2 weeks ago. He broke his collarbone and leg, shattered his elbow and hip, collapsed a lung, shifted his organs, lost his spleen and had some major internal bleeding. He has gone through 9 surgeries so far...
Adam has recovered from his dislocated shoulder. He still cannot swing a softball bat, but luckily the season is over. His team ended up in 3rd place, which isn't too bad!
Our volleyball team is 2-0....wish the Vikings had a perfect record....it has been another hard season there.
We've been awfully busy lately. Seems like there aren't enough hours in the day.